Dear visitor,

To buy our products you should first register our web-site.

Once registered you just have to add your chosen products with the add to cart button to the the shopping cart.

Once you have chosen all of yours favourite products, just click on "check out" button. The website will show you a summary of your order that you still can modify. Once you are sure of your order you just need to scroll below to complete the order.

Please check that your your personal datas are correct. Scroll again and chose the shipping method that you prefer and There you have also a blank field in which you can write informations you think important to help us to send correctly your order.

Remember to add the confirmations about theterms of service.

At last, in the bottom part of this page you shall select the payment method you prefer and follow the payment instructions.

For transactions with credit card Store4You uses the most efficient methods of PAYPAL. Your datas will be treated in absolute safety.

We send orders from Monday to Friday.

An order that is made out of available products is sent the first working day after finalization of the order, paid exception to situations not under our control.

An order that is made also of products still not available will be sent as soon as all the products in the order will be available.

For every kind of question or problem you can contact our customer care at the e-mail