List of products by supplier Digitmovies

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Brands: Digitmovies

We are pleased to release the complete edition CD of the OST by Carlo Savina for the movie “The Unnaturals”. (original title CONTRONATURA)

Il vigile

Brands: Digitmovies

We are pleased to release the complete edition OST by Piero Umiliani for the film “The Traffic Policeman” (original title “Il Vigile”)...

Omicidio per Vocazione

Brands: Digitmovies

We are pleased to release on CD the complete edition OST by Stefano Torossi for the film “Deadly Inheritance” (“Omicidio per vocazione” aka “L’assassino ha le mani pulite”).

L'ira di Achille

Brands: Digitmovies

We are pleased to release for the absolute first time on CD the OST by Carlo Savina for the Peplum film “Fury of Achilles” (“L’ira di Achille”).

Il segno di Venere

Brands: Digitmovies

We are pleased to release for the absolute first time on CD the OST by Renzo Rossellini from the film “The Sign of Venus” (“Il segno di Venere”)...

Il baco da seta


We pleased to release the complete edition CD of the OST by Mario Bertolazzi for the film “The Silkworm” (“Il baco da seta”)...



We are pleased to release the complete edition CD of the OST by Carlo Savina for the movie “The Unnaturals”. (original title CONTRONATURA)

Il terribile ispettore


We are pleased to release for the first time ever on CD and in complete edition, the OST by Carlo Rustichelli for the film ”Il terribile ispettore”...

La Ragazzina


We are pleased to release the complete soundtrack for the film “Monika” (“La Ragazzina”) by Nico Fidenco...

Il vigile


We are pleased to release the complete edition OST by Piero Umiliani for the film “The Traffic Policeman” (original title “Il Vigile”)...

Omicidio per Vocazione


We are pleased to release on CD the complete edition OST by Stefano Torossi for the film “Deadly Inheritance” (“Omicidio per vocazione” aka “L’assassino ha le mani pulite”).

L'ira di Achille


We are pleased to release for the absolute first time on CD the OST by Carlo Savina for the Peplum film “Fury of Achilles” (“L’ira di Achille”).

Il segno di Venere


We are pleased to release for the absolute first time on CD the OST by Renzo Rossellini from the film “The Sign of Venus” (“Il segno di Venere”)...